Katrina Perry

Personal Lines Manager

Meet Katrina

Personal Lines Manager

Katrina has been with Bray and Oakley since 1999 and is the personal lines manager for our five locations in WV and KY. She is involved in the audit process, reunderwriting, rounding out accounts, writing new business and servicing her customers’ insurance needs. Katrina takes great pride in making sure our insureds have the insurance they need to protect themselves and their possessions while making sure they are with the insurance carrier that will provide the most competitive price for their policies.

In her personal time Katrina enjoys spending time with her children and her grandchildren. She enjoys the beach, swimming, reading, and being anywhere her three grandsons are.


Logan High School
Southern WV Community College


Logan Elementary School Past PTO President
Monahill Memorial FWB Church Member and Past Youth Leader
Logan Elementary and Logan Middle School Parent Volunteer
Cub Scouts Troop Past Secretary