FAQs: ATV Insurance in West Virginia and Kentucky​

FAQs: ATV Insurance in West Virginia and Kentucky​

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Hey, everybody, I’m Mike with local impact. I’m here chatting with Claude singleton from Bray and Oakley. Claude, if you don’t mind, just take a second and explain to the people who Bray and Oakley is what they do and what they offer.

Very good. Bray and Oakley Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency. Independent means that we work several companies, we don’t have one company that we have to stick with. And we’re a multi line company, which means we do all different kinds of insurance, auto home, life insurance, business insurance. And so there’s a lot of things that we do for people. And we can pick out different companies depending upon your needs. It’s a wonderful thing. We have three offices in West Virginia and three offices in in Kentucky. And we’ve been around since 1920. It’s a wonderful, family owned business that’s passed on to four generations. It’s a good place to be

Great, great. We’ve got a lot of people that are starting to ask questions about ATV insurance can you just take some time and talk about maybe define what an ATV actually is for the people

Be glad to, thanks, Mike. ATV means all terrain vehicle. And it’s basically an off the road vehicle for fun. It can be often just three, it can be a three wheeler or a four wheeler in different different things. And we will insure that for someone based on their need, you don’t have to insure it necessarily. But we like to insure things if they’ve gotten value to them. Let’s just say you bought it at your local dealer and there’s a there’s a pretty good price tag, you’re still paying money on it. Yeah, you better insurance, you got to the physical damages for if you have comprehensive and collision as physical damages to that to that vehicle. And you can also have a liability. And there’s a thing for injuries on that vehicle as well. So this ATV can be a lot of fun, but it can be a significant responsibility and a risk. And we will help you to work with that risk based on what you need and what you want.

Awesome. So I know you mentioned things like you know still owing, you know, still paying off when your ATV Is it is it required that I have insurance on my ATV?

Your bank would require that you would need to have physical damages covered that they would be comprehensive coverage would be like: fire, theft, striking an animal or tree falls on it or, or acts of nature happening to that vehicle and tearing it up. The other big collision where you run into something run into a hill or a tree or somebody another bike or something that would be a problem. This is off roading. But there’s still a liability that there’s still a risk of what you can be doing.

Great. Awesome. So will my car insurance cover my ATV?

That’s a good question. Many companies will allow us to put an ATV on a car policy. And we will visit about that and see if this is the best way to do it. We will also look at at a separate ATV policy. We’ve got different companies who will actually just do that kind of policy. And it is not on the road. It is off road. But they have specific policies that we can that we can see about we’ll look at benefits and coverages what fits your circumstance. And we recommend that that medical items also be covered. We will we will recommend that. Although you may be able to opt out of that. We do recommend because things happen. You having fun and things happen.

Sure, though that was my next question is if I know they’re dangerous, I see things on the news all the time. What’s covered in medical expenses and things like that if I were to buy one and get hurt?

Yes, yes. That’s a problem. And also they can be social vehicles, if you will, you got a couple of guys with you and you’re riding together and it turns out one of them does not have insurance. And you didn’t know that, there’s a way of having medical payments, injuries for his sake or her sake, covered by your policy. And it’s not much money at all. So I do think no matter what kind of health insurance you may have, it’s better to have the medical protection on this as well medical payments on this as well. It’s inexpensive, it’s a good thing to do.

Sure. So what are the different types of ATV coverage that you can get?

Okay, first would be liability where you’re actually injuring someone else. You’re not on your vehicle. You’re injuring someone else, either their person, their body or their property. And if you don’t have that liability coverage, it’s out of your pocket. If you opted to say well, no, I don’t need not only coverage for that stuff. I’ll just I’ll just ride and have fun, I’ll just be real careful. If you injure someone else, it is your problem. And they will come after you. And I’m not an attorney, don’t pretend to be one. I’m just an insurance agent. But this is good insurance advice. Also, we have that’s the liability for hitting injuring someone else. We’ve also got protection for the vehicle itself, if you choose it. You can have comprehensive coverage and collision coverage. And we’ll tell you all what those are. But that is if there’s physical damages to that vehicle, then we can help you with with repairing that. And then the medical payments, which I mentioned a minute ago, medical payments will be injuries to people on your on your vehicle, that you’ve that happened because of riding on this vehicle. And that’s that’s a big deal. So all those different things affect in different ways. You may not need comprehensive and collision that is you say it’s an old one, I don’t owe any money on it, I’ll just take my chances on that. But you would still want to have the liability and the medical payments, you’d still want to have that.

Great, great. So what, is it relatively expensive to insure my ATV? Is it? Can you share on that for a second?

Sure can, I can’t give exact numbers because actually what county you live in even. But in general, the cost is higher, if you’ve got a higher value vehicle, a newer vehicle that’s significant. And I’ve seen some that are amazing. That’s a higher price, it’s a fair price with the higher price and all as it gets older or smaller model. There’s less premium for the comprehensive and collision on that. So but we’ll talk about that as well, we can we can just go cover through and look at adding this to your auto policy, or do we write a separate one? And that all that’s part of the factor that is cost.

Sure. Is there anything else ATV wise that you would share with someone who’s either who owns one currently or is thinking about getting one just anything?

Well, it’s just advice. And again, I think like an insurance guy, been an insurance guy for quite a while. That is don’t loan it out to someone who didn’t know what they’re doing. And we always say don’t loan them out at all. But be careful. There’s different capabilities with people and you might have a very good friend who has no no knowledge about what he’s doing or what she’s doing and unfamiliar with the terrain and all that stuff. So be careful, be nice, be careful, and protect what you have. And you’re better off for doing that.

Awesome. Awesome. Claude I think that wraps up for ATV questions. Do you want to say anything how to reach out to your company where they can find you all?

Very good. You can probably see listed here our number. We’re in West Virginia where Kentucky give us a call. Each of our offices work very well. And you can ask for me if you’d like but you don’t need to talk with me. Because we’ve got very fine customer service people here and just excellent people to work with. But give us a call Bray and Oakley. We like to help people.

Great great Claude, thanks for talking to us about ATVs today. I really appreciate it.

Thank you, Mike.

Talking Insurance Ep2: Church Insurance

Talking Insurance Episode 2: Church Insurance in West Virginia and Kentucky

About the episode

This is our second “Talking Insurance” roundtable from Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency. We are excited to share with you the answers to common questions, dive deep into the information you really need to know and share our stories and experience from over 100 years in the insurance industry.

For our second episode, and our personal experience in churches, a few of our Bray & Oakley team members sat down to discuss church insurance, coverages, qualifications, important steps to take and some information not commonly known about making sure you have the right policy. If you have questions about curch insurance in West Virginia and Kentucky, this is time well spent.

Claude Stapleton and Danny Crum are your hosts for this week’s “Talking Insurance”.

Listen to Episode Two:


Welcome back to Talking Insurance with Bray and Oakley Insurance Agency. I’m Danny Crum. I’m the Vice President of sales here at Bray and Oakley Insurance Agency. And I’m here with Claude Singleton, who is the manager of our Lexington and Richmond locations. Hey Claude how are ya?


Really good. How are you doing? 


I’m doing good, good, good.


We’re outside of one of our nice churches here in Lexington, and we’re going to visit today about church insurance.


Yeah, absolutely. I’m involved in my church. And when I got into insurance, and I started doing some things such as learning coverages, I started applying some of that to our church. Most people don’t really understand that churches operate like a business.


Absolutely. And there’s some risks involved that you have to be careful with. And if you’re affiliated with a church, and you have something to do with the church insurance, we’re glad to help you through that it can be a minefield, and if you don’t have the right coverages, you can have some serious problems. And we’re here to help.


Absolutely. And, you know, being a part of the church and, you know, being involved on the inside, we see some things that most people probably don’t realize. And today, we want to talk about some of that, some of the risks that’s involved in the church, some of the coverages that are essential for churches that you really must have. And Claude Singleton, he’s got a long history in insurance. He’s worked on church insurance for quite a few years, right?


Absolutely. Two or three, yeah, one or two years is pretty good. I do have a good experience. And I do like sharing with churches and the different committees I work with, about what they can do to protect themselves better. 


Absolutely. Because you’ve got an asset, if you will, building, but a bigger asset as a liability concern that you’ve got that you don’t want to have your ministry to be destroyed, either in reputation or  in financially to where you would not be capable of doing future service. And insurance can help you do that. So it really is a tool to help. 


Absolutely. One thing that most may not even realize is a lot of your church buildings are pretty old. That really you can’t put a replacement cost value on is that right?


There’s different ways of calculating that. What we want to do is to help you to determine what’s best for you all, and to help if you’ve got works of art or certain types of architecture that’s special to you. Do we need to insure it that way? Or do we need to do it as a functional church, as do you want to have this as a functional church building later, not exactly designed the same way not with the same exact materials, and that affects things. So that’s part of our discussion. And it can also affect your pricing. It can also affect the value of the church building that we would need to rebuild. All that’s important. And we do it one at a time with each customer, each church that we work with. 


Yeah, absolutely. So pertaining to church insurance. What are some coverages that stick out? I mean, as far as you’ve got building coverage? Of course, you’re gonna have liability, just like any other business would have. But what about like, directors and officers, and protecting the volunteers and things like that?


Absolutely. And that’s part of the coverage that we discuss. And sometimes when we’re reviewing coverages with people, we will see that that’s not been addressed or not been addressed adequately. So we talk about what is the exposure, what is the risk for a volunteer sitting on the church board, who’s doing the right things, but can still have an allegation of a suit against them, because we’re doing the right things with the congregation. And so we need to protect those individuals. And we help you do that. You determine the level, but we’ll show you that we’ll discuss those options. It’s a very important thing for board members to have that and decision makers, because they’re not, most of them are not even getting paid for this and what a risk they’ve got going on. You mentioned another sexual misconduct. Yeah, things can happen. And, and we’ve got different companies that we work with, and we will fix that coverage to the level that you want. And there’s certain guidelines that we will deal with, there’s ways of you getting a better price on your insurance, which I think is a very big deal. Gives you a better value. If you do certain steps and we’ll talk you through those steps. If you do this, it’ll give you a better help on your insurance premium and have better coverage.


Yeah, and you know, that’s something that we don’t like to think about. You’re okay. It’s a church, you go here for comfort, you go here for safety, and nobody wants to think about sexual misconduct and those sort of things. But, you know, the reality is, whether you’re guilty or not of that. It can be an accusation, right?


That’s correct. And there has to be a defensible thing. Hang on, we want to help you with a defense of that. And if there is something that occurs where they do hold you, the congregation responsible, we want to have a company who is willing to help with paying penalties and things like that, which is a serious thing. And that’s not just the sexual liability. But that is something that has been a headline type of thing over many, many years.


And so for the directors and officers and board members that are volunteers that make all the decisions along with the pastor, there is coverage for that. 


Oh, absolutely. directors and officers coverage is what it’s called. It’s also in a business policy. Because as you said, Danny earlier, church insurance is for a business of insurance, business of churches well, and as part of that coverage, that is really important, because it will take a large amount of money perhaps to handle the liability that was involved that was alleged to have occurred. And then if it settles that way to where you’ve got, you got money from the big bucks from the insurance company, they help you. That’s critical. And again, it keeps your ministry going on, as opposed to no, we won’t have that coverage. We’ll just hope we don’t have that need. We would rather be proactive and help your ministry out that way.


Absolutely. Another coverage that I have seen working with churches is conscience coverage. Right. So the personal property that the church owns, yes. But it goes a little farther than that, really; because most churches have worship teams. Yes. They have instruments. Yes, some of these instruments have really high value. Yes. And we talked about that. What’s the difference between Okay, well, I’ve got personal property on my policy. Yes. Would my music equipment be covered there?


Oh, good. That’s a good question. Someone else owns the equipment. They’re volunteers, and they’re wonderful musicians. And they bring them there, maybe leave them there at the congregation at the church building. All of this depends upon that coverage and which company we select with you that you can determine. Do you want that coverage to be handled by your policy? And can we do that? I think it’s a wonderful thing when we can, because these often are volunteers who are using their wonderful skill to help with the worship service. And if the guitar was to be stolen, or something that’d be such a shame, or there would be a fire and then they’ve lost it. They left it there. Assuming it would have been well taken care of there at the building and something happened. So that’s a big deal.


Yeah. So what about being mobile with your musical equipment? In my church, we have a worship team. And a lot of times we’re invited to revivals and other churches to lead worship and things like that. So is that something we can cover?


We can talk about that. And we need to determine that carefully. We prepare at Bray and Oakley insurance agency, we prepare for the eventuality that we will have claims. And so we provide the discussion before a claim happens, here’s what would happen if this occurs. Here’s what happens if that occurs, and let you make the choice. Because there’s different policies that have different ways of handling that. And we will want you to have the broadest coverage that you want. And then the fair premium for that exposure. Because sometimes there will be a limitation on the coverage, to where, okay, you’re on the road with it, it’s no longer affecting the church policy, you’re on your own with that, or whatever. And we’ll need to determine that. Also something else with the contents, the valuation of the contents is critical. And what parts of the inside of your building are considered contents versus building, we go through that in extreme detail, we have very good analysis on that. The premium for building type items is lower than the premium for personal property type items. We’ll talk about that when we visit with you. And so if it is part of the building, it makes for a lower premium. For example, if you have a built in organ, built on pipe organ or built in whatever we’re going to add, there’s another attachment that may be part of your building, not part of a content item.


That’s really good. And something I have seen also and you can confirm this is your church pews. Yes, there’s a lot of money in church pews. Yes, it really matters if are they attached, or are they free?

It really does really matter. And we want flexibility into the worship centers. We have to have flexibility and all that stuff. And so how are we going to count the chairs are all part of the valuation that we’ll talk about. Some congregations also have really works of art, and how we value those is a big deal. Or this congregation does not have stained glass windows, but many of our buildings do have stained glass windows. How do we value them? So all these are big deals. If you will allow us the opportunity to, we will be glad to discuss and give you more detail. This is really a snippet of what we’re doing. But we have a wealth of knowledge about it. And we have several companies that we work with because we’re an independent agency. And we’re most glad, very glad to help you walk through these things. Anything else you want to add to this?


We appreciate everything you’ve told us, Claude, thank you for being here with us and going over this. As always, you can visit our website at www.brayandoakley.com this is where you can see this you can also follow our YouTube channel and on Apple podcast or you can call one of our offices. We have offices in Logan, West Virginia; Chapmanville, West Virginia; Pikeville, Kentucky; Richmond, Kentucky; Lexington, Kentucky; Weston, West Virginia and we’re here to service you. We’ve got an office close by wherever you’re at. Let us sit down with you, with some of our insurance professionals, discuss what we do, some of the coverage we go over and I think I think you’ll really enjoy it.


I’ll also say this, thanks for wearing a  Kentucky shirt today buddy.


Go Big Blue!


He’s a West Virginia guy. 


When in Kentucky do as the Kentuckians do there. I’ll burn the shirt. 


Yeah, no, you won’t!


Talking Insurance Ep1: Flood Insurance

Talking Insurance Episode 1: Flood Insurance in West Virginia and Kentucky

About the episode

This is our first “Talking Insurance” roundtable from Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency. We are excited to share with you the answers to common questions, dive deep into the information you really need to know and share our stories and experience from over 100 years in the insurance industry.

For our first episode, with the recent flooding in our area, a few of our Bray & Oakley team members sat down to discuss flood insurance, coverages, qualifications, important steps to take and some information not commonly known about making sure you have the right policy for your property. If you have questions about flood insurance in West Virginia and Kentucky, this is time well spent.

Claude Stapleton, Danny Crum and Michael Winter are your hosts for this week’s “Talking Insurance”.

Listen to Episode One:


Let’s go. I’m officially recording us to start. Yeah, we’ll get started. Go ahead, Mike. We’ll start with you, Michael.

Michael winter. I’m the chief coffee maker at Bray and Oakley Insurance Agency.

That’s true and so on so many different levels.

Since he’s vice president, yeah. You’re also known as vice president,

Also known as vice president. Got it.  Danny, do you want to go?

Yeah, I’m Danny Crum. I’m the sales manager at Bray and Oakley Insurance when Michael’s not around to make coffee, I fill in for him.

That’s good. I’m Claude Singleton. I manage the Lexington office and the Richmond office in Kentucky.

Great. Well, I’m BG. And Mike is with us here. And of course, we’ll just be talking about insurance together. We’re just here to help facilitate the conversation with you guys. And I’m excited about learning more about insurance, both personally and for those who might be watching or listening on a podcast or watching on YouTube. So flood insurance is the topic today. So I guess we can start chatting about that. And it’s big on people’s minds and hearts right now in Kentucky. And so we can just start with the questions that people are asking: what are the main differences between NFIP and private flood insurance for folks who are interested in knowing more about it? Whoever wants to take that topic?

That’s a good question. That’s a question we get all the time. Private floods are becoming very popular. Used to be all you had was FEMA. It was you know, the NFIP is the National Flood Insurance Program, it accounts for the vast majority of policies written and it’s backed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which everyone knows is FEMA. And before, that’s pretty much what was offered to you. Now, some of these private companies are coming out with their own flood insurance, which is the private flood carriers, and it’s starting to take a storm, it’s new, but it’s catching hold. It’s almost like, you know, you can purchase insurance from State Farm or Erie Insurance or state auto, or whoever. And these private carriers are now offering flood insurance pretty good stuff.

So some of the differences. We started noticing. We were used to the NFIP program, we were very hesitant on looking at the private carrier flood program because there was some ambiguity with you know, what, how did they respond? You know, there was some language that lenders didn’t want to accept the private carriers, because there were a bunch of kinds of technical issues that weren’t getting worked out. And then and then they passed this Biggert-Waters Act which allowed banks to accept the private flood insurance carriers. A lot of the difference we noticed in it is that the building values private flood carriers can offer higher building limits. The NFIP program, it’s a set limit, they have $250,000 on the structure, and I think it’s limited to 100,000 contents. Yeah. NFIP has to be ensured in all states and all the communities that the Flood Insurance Program operates in so they have to be a little bit restrictive, the private flood carriers, they can pick and choose which areas they want to provide flood insurance to, so they can actually pick the good areas and offer better rates. And they can offer better rates, they can even offer additional coverage.

Yeah, the private flood is much more broad. And this all began and just to give a little history of flood insurance in 1968, FEMA, flood maps were created. And Congress actually passed the National Flood Insurance Act, which allows banks and things to require homeowners that were in flood zones to carry flood insurance. And so you’re seeing a lot of that, especially in rural areas like West Virginia and things, but the private flood is somewhat more broad than what FEMA offers. Like Michael was saying, typically you can get up to $500,000 in coverage compared to 250,000 sometimes higher. Loss of use is a big coverage that the private flood offers compared to FEMA which means just like if you lose your home to a house fire your insurance carrier will actually, usually provide you loss of use meaning they’re going to put you up in a place to live provide you some monies and things to do that will private flood carriers typically do to so. There’s a lot more broad per se than what the FEMA offered, that don’t mean it’s better. It’s just you know, sometimes it’s sometimes it isn’t. It just depends on the risk really I

I think something Michael said is important on the, on the private carrier flood insurance, if they feel they’ve got a niche, and they can take advantage of it, they do that. And in doing so they’re more competitive. And in general, the pricing is lower in general, again, because they don’t have to take everything. As Michael said, with the National Flood Insurance Program, they’re taking everything. So they’ve got to take a terrible amount of risk, and try to balance that out across the nation really, but the private carriers can choose. And then within areas actually pick out a street that’s in one area that gets an even better rate, it’s right next door to another street. But it’s because of the flow and the slightly greater altitude or whatever, it’s got that much less of a chance of getting flooded out. And so people on that street will enjoy better, right, and then their neighbor, just a street over even, it’s amazing how the private carriers can do a good job with that. And if you can qualify for the private carrier, I think you’re better off, probably the best thing would be, I can give you a commercial right here. Give us a call. And we will be glad to run a quote for it. There’s no obligation for that. But let us know what we got to do.

Yeah, that’s a good point. One of the big selling points with private flood, compared to FEMA, is what’s called flood elevation certificates. So if you’re being insured under FEMA, the National Flood, then if you’re in a certain flood zone, they’re requiring you to have what’s called an elevation certificate. And what that is, is a surveyor will actually come out and they’ll survey your home in relation to the floods, meaning they’ll measure the first floor of the home set for the home, what kind of foundation you have, and where are you where your home sits on the floodplain. Alright, so that can actually help you, it can act, sometimes it can hurt you, but within the private flood carriers, all you need is a determination. And that means and you can find that through most banks or online, they will give you usually a flood zone a b, c, d x, whatever. And if you’ve got that, they’ll provide you an accurate quote without having an elevation certificate. Again, an elevation certificate is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it’s good. It depends, especially in rural areas like ours. I had a client one time, here’s a little story that he had flood insurance. And it can get very expensive in rural areas, like I was saying, and he was paying a whole lot for it. Well, he called me about homeowner’s insurance. So I was out inspecting his home. And I noticed around the bottom of the house, there were some really nice facia blocks. Everything looks really pretty. The home was up in the air. And I said, “Keith, I was like, did you raise your home?”. And he said, “Yeah, we got flooded four years ago. And so I had someone come in and raise my home up.”. I mean, it was sitting, probably six feet up, one story home. And I said, “How’d that help with your flood insurance?”. He said, “What do you mean?” I said, “Did you call your agent and tell them that you raised your home?” He’s like, “No, I didn’t think about it” I was like, well, there’s a good chance that now your flood, your home being raised up. You may not be in the flood zone, like you were in relation to the floodplain. He said I thought about it. So he and I got on the phone and we got a surveyor out there. And he was paying about $5,000 a year for flood insurance. It was crazy. Once they did the survey and I recorded his flood insurance, it went down to $1400. Well, I was Yeah, yeah, this is. So needless to say he was extremely happy. We were extremely happy. But that’s just part of what we do. You know, because we look at all of our risks that we ensure we go out with the home, we do the measurements, we get photos, and all that stuff. And we try to do a good job for our clients. And, you know, anytime you can help somebody, it’s always better for them. And as I’ll never lose this guy, he’ll always be with us. Absolutely. Absolutely.

So you will send somebody out from all of your locations to do that?

Yes, yes, we do. Not for flood insurance. We do inspect some flood risk, but any home that we insure within the agency, that is with a standard carrier, we put feet on the ground. We look at. We go out because, you know, I’ve talked to a young lady in Richmond today. And she’s young, she’s I think 29 years old. Masters in nursing, travel nurse, good job. And she’s purchasing close to half a million dollar home. And she had got some quotes in other areas. Right? And so I get to ask her all these questions and I was like, Sidney, I was like, you know, what’s your square foot? Well, you know, I don’t know and all this I said, Well, how many posts have you had? She said, Well, I’ve had five I said Is anybody came out and looked at it measure to ask you any square foot no, they just got on the internet and looked at home up and that is what they’re trying to beat quotes by. So, I get a little deeper into that and I’m like, so what are they coming back with for your coverage A which is replacement cost of the dwelling. It was almost half of what she’s purchasing the home for. That said, you realize what they’re what’s going on here? And she’s like, No, I was like, well, they’re trying to, they’re offering decent quotes, as far as premium goes, but you’re under insured. You’re not protecting your risk. And she’s like, well, what do you mean? Well, you know, your 300, you’re purchasing a home for four or $500,000. And they’re coming back with $250,000 coverage. And she’s, well, I didn’t realize that that’s what you know. And that’s why we do what we do. This happens all the time. It happens all the time. We go out, we measure houses, we take pictures, we know what we’re insuring, because you know, a home is the largest investment that most people make. Yeah, and and let me tell you something, I’ve been in the insurance business for 10 years, and I’ve had clients that have had total losses. It’s devastating. And you don’t realize what you lose until you go through something like that. It can absolutely affect our lives. So negatively, it just can just change everything. So you know, we take it personal, and to this day, knock on wood, everything that I’ve done, or I’ve had to claim, I have clients that call me crying, weeping. And you know, thank you, thank you for what you’ve done. You took care of us, you know, we had the worst day of your life, and now you’ve made it better. It’s not easy. It’s better. So here’s why we do it.

Yes, and to lose stuff is terrible. But financial backing is a great assistance. Because right now with the flooding in Eastern Kentucky, there’s just such a tragedy for sure. And hopefully, there will actually be some flood insurance that perhaps we can help them with in the future as they receive FEMA grants and things like that. And if they choose to go with us on the flood insurance, that hopefully for the future, they will be better off in the event of another bad circumstance, just a terrible, terrible tragedy.

And that’s one that is one good thing about FEMA that I’ll point out is under FEMA, they have to offer you insurance. So anyone can be insured no matter what it doesn’t matter what flood zone you’re in, where you’re at, if you’ve had been flooded before whatever. It’s offered to everyone, and I think, of course Eastern Kentucky. You know, we’ve gotten a lot of calls over the last week or two about flood insurance and a lot of people lost a lot of stuff and they will be able to purchase flood insurance. I mean, they’ve had a total loss, FEMA will insure them. So that’s one good thing about the FEMA and National Flood Program.

One of the main differences between the NFIP and the private flood insurance is that we’ve kind of hit around it, but we really didn’t even we don’t really mention it is what NFIP will offer, they don’t cancel you if you’ve had a flood. Now, they will offer you a renewal. It’s a guarantee it’s a very stable program. That’s what it was made for, it was for stability and assurance. I mean, we’re, you know, we’re, you know, these policies are backed by the good faith of the FEMA program. You know, you know, a lot of independent agents don’t worry when there’s a major flood that hits an area, you know, because what happens sometimes in the private carrier market is that, you know, you have an area that’s been prone to have some extra unusual amount of losses, carriers get nervous, and they pull out those areas and cancel. So, you know, sometimes when you call your independent agent, this is what you really need to do is when you speak to your independent agent, that’s what they can do. They can offer you several options, but they need to see, you know, how much risk tolerance you have, you know, I’m not mean I’m not questioning their carrier because there are billion dollar carriers and they can pay claims really well. But the NFIP program, which I like, I’ve known it to always pay the claims they do a pretty good job now. Now the private carrier market does offer some bells and whistles that are very attractive. But one thing you’re going to know is that the NFIP program will provide you with a renewal, you’re not gonna get canceled if you have, you know, a couple claims. It’s really good. And I think there’s some price stability as well, with that program that you might, which I’m not very familiar with the private private insurance market for flood, Danny is a little bit more familiar with it than I am. But one of the things is sometimes if you have people who have a low risk tolerance and they want stability and they feel comfortable with that. That’s one of the things that you can mention to them. But that’s what you get when you call an independent agent we’re here to evaluate your risk and how much you can tolerate and then you know, give you some options and even help you make the choice.

Yeah, I think the sweet spot for the private flood carriers I’ve done quite a bit of and lately I’ve really worked on educating myself on it and doing some quotes and things I think where they really shine is that mid level risk, if that makes sense. So you know, you got your worst flood zone, let’s call it flood flood zone Z, you got your best, we’ll call it A. So they really fall in between on that, you know, say j or k that the mid risk level, that’s where they’re really, really good at. I have run into cases where some banks will not accept private flood insurance. It’s, I haven’t really sat down and talked to them and asked them why. But I have run into and I’ve provided all the jackets, the policy jackets, and so forth, but for whatever reason, some of the larger banks tend not to accept it at least, you know, West Virginia can speak on behalf of Kentucky, but you don’t see anywhere near the flooding and stuff. Okay, Pikeville, Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky Yes, when you get around Lexington and Richmond, things like that. You don’t see it as much. But here in West Virginia, I’ve had some banks that would not accept private flood markets.

No, some of these larger banks are probably worried about being in compliance with the FDIC, they require banks to, you know, protect the collateral or depositors money and, and you know, there’s some ambiguity when it comes to some of these new private flood carrier markets. Like the private flood, the definition of flood has to be as broad as the NFIP program, and, and then they put in some reassurances, to help make some of these banks feel a little bit better. I think it was in 2000. I think the Biggert-Waters Act kind of tried to help clear some of this, clear some of this up but there’s still some banks probably a little bit apprehensive, but I can understand why.

Yeah, for sure. For sure. How do you determine what is a flood zone? And how often does that change? If a location floods for the first time? Does it get defined then as a flood zone? And if a place hasn’t flooded in 200 years or 100 years? Is it no longer defined as a flood zone? How does that get determined? Who does that?

That’s a good question. And not again, I think 1968 FEMA, that’s when they introduced flood maps and it all had to go in compliance with the National Flood Insurance Act and with the banking and things like that these flood maps do get reevaluated every so often. And it’s more along the lines of your right as voters in history involved in it. There are some proximity to waters, rivers, typically things like that play a big part of that. Over the 10 years I’ve been here I’ve seen the map. I think Michael may be able to answer this better. I think they changed once where they came in and actually redone all the mapping, sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. But yeah, it’s just one of those things, and it doesn’t risk does matter where you’re located. Elevation of course, why do you have elevation certificates? So yeah, but I have also seen, you know, addresses that never flood have horrible, horrible flood zone ratings. And I don’t really have an answer for that.

Some of the rating, and some of the changes can be affected by local governments who have for example, Lexington, has got several teams that work on a waterflow here in here in the town and over over history, they’ve improved in some of the areas of towns that have flooded in the past are flooding less now because of management of that water. And they are allowed to petition for change in the rating for the particular neighborhoods that they’re talking about. And that can happen. And sometimes that goes back to where we have had to request elevation certificates for specific homes that we were aware of. In fact, I’ve got a client who actually was an engineer and he says, I’m worried that this street has been worked on and I’m going to order a fresh certificate and sure enough, it was an advantage for him. He was just a very good guy to work with on that because he was sharper than sharper than I am. Engineers, yeah.

I guess for the listeners and the viewers we want to make sure they don’t have a misconception that they don’t leave flood insurance if they don’t live by a body of water or by a river right I mean that’s that has nothing to do with it. And people should make sure that their home is properly protected and have someone evaluate where they are and in and make sure that they’re properly covered. And that’s where you guys come in. Right?

It’s a good question. And I’ve had clients call me who say there’s no way there is nowhere near any risk for flooding per se bodies of water that want flood insurance are interested in flood insurance to help them sleep better. And honestly, it’s usually very inexpensive for those clients. So yeah, look into it. It’s odd. You know, when you get into your risky flood zone, you get into some more premiums and stuff, but, you know, so flood insurance for two, 300-400 dollars a year to people that’s in very low risk areas. And you know, there’s a little stream maybe close to their home and there’s some, you know, there’s some things that can happen that could trigger a flood policy to kick in. And my church is one of those, you know, we’re not in the flood zone. But we wanted flood insurance and, you know, for different reasons or whatever, it helps us sleep better. We’ve got a lot, we’ve got a very nice building, it’s very old. It’s very well maintained and has a lot of money and for the price we decided to buy. And so yeah, if anyone’s interested in flood insurance, don’t think it’s because you’re not near a body of water, or you’re typically not in an area that floods badly. No, call us, call your agents, let us look at it. Typically, if you’re not one of those extreme floods, just very affordable.

Great. I was kind of shocked. So I’m from Clendenin. And I remember when…

You can’t get there from here can you?

It’s a distance. But I remember when the 2016 floods came through Clendenin I was actually really shocked by so many homes, my brother’s house only got just a few inches of water in it. You know, you think of flooding, you think of houses up to the rooftop, you know, underwater, but I think his house only got like three or four inches of water in it. But it was enough to ruin almost the majority of his main duct line, it was enough to ruin his main feed into his electrical panel. There were several systems throughout his house. And I mean, it was quickly like 10, 30, $40,000 worth of damage that was wrapped up, and to BG’s point a minute ago. I mean, it was an area that hadn’t flooded in 100 years or something. They had no no record of flooding, but it just took three or four inches of water to cause gosh, a ridiculous amount… a whole, you know, air conditioner switched out electrical system change out. So.

It’s astronomical. My parents We had a flood here in southern West Virginia in 2000… 2012 And my parents hadn’t been there and there hasn’t been a flood where they live in over 100 years. So when my dad retired they paid their home off, they had to have flood insurance because the longer they dropped their flood insurance came through and like you said, you know, they got 10-12 inches of water $62,000 Wow, that much damage.

There’s a problem with water that is similar to fire of all things. Let’s just say that in this scenario, no one is injured and there’s just a slight incursion of water it’s inside the house was not washing everything away the water causes a lot of damage as a fire would do. With a fire and smoke, you’re getting smoke all over the place. So you get poisons everywhere. With water, it promotes the growth of bacteria rapidly. And so if you don’t have an excellent drying out program, and also deep checks of water saturation, your walls can be hiding all sorts of mold build up and it’s going to be terrible. So it’s it does not take a great deal of water inside the home to be so devastating. And sorry to hear about your that was your brother was it Mike. Yeah, that’s that stuff that’s up. But that’s a tragedy. And then later it can be continued to cause breathing problems if it’s not been handled properly. And and that can be expensive. Yeah.

I always tell everyone water claims are the worst claims to have. In my experience, what I’ve had to watch customers deal with and they are the worst claims to ever deal with.

So people are concerned if they’re, if they’re clued in a little better now and they understand the need and the urgency of the matter. How do they get in touch with you guys for information on how to get evaluated? Has somebody come out to talk to them about flood insurance? What’s the best process?

Good question. You can always reach us on our website at www.brayandoakley.com we have social media pages across every platform. There, and each one of our locations, which is Pikeville, Kentucky; Richmond, Kentucky; Lexington, Kentucky; Weston, West Virginia; Logan, West Virginia; Chapmanville, West Virginia. Phone numbers are available on our website. You can call us again. We’ll come out and get very personal with it. So we’re probably gonna come out, look at your home and look at your risk. We’re going to advise you. Professionally, the way we think you’d be insured.

FAQs: Boat Insurance

FAQs: Boat Insurance

From helping pay for repairs to your damaged boat to providing protection if you cause an accident with your watercraft, boat insurance may prove useful in a number of ways.

If you’re a new boat owner or just want a better understanding of what scenarios a policy helps cover, you may have some questions. We break it down with answers to some frequently asked questions about boat insurance.

What does a boat insurance policy cover?

A standard boat policy typically covers damage resulting from a collision, fire, lightning, theft or vandalism, and it may cover those risks even if they occur on land, the Insurance Information Institute says.

Protection usually extends to the boat itself as well as motors and attached equipment like anchors.

Boat insurance generally also includes liability protection that helps pay for expenses you incur after an accident involving your watercraft. For instance:

  • Bodily injury liability coverage helps protect you from paying out of pocket for medical bills and other related costs after someone is injured in an accident that you caused.
  • Property damage liability coverage helps cover the costs of repairing or replacing another person’s boat or property if you accidentally damage it.

Coverages in your policy are typically subject to limits — the maximum amount your insurance will pay toward a covered loss. It’s important to review your limits so you understand how much coverage your policy offers. Your agent can help you adjust your limits to fit your needs.

Do I need insurance if my boat isn’t expensive?

The financial risk of being a boat owner doesn’t just include the cost of replacing or repairing your boat — there are potential medical bills if you, someone on your boat or another person is injured in an accident. And, there are the potential costs of repairing another person’s property as well as other risks to consider. Boat insurance may help prevent you from paying out of pocket in those kinds of situations.

Doesn’t my homeowners insurance offer protection?

Homeowners’ policies typically provide minimal coverage for watercraft — usually only for small boats like a canoe, or a small sailboat or powerboat with less than 25 total horsepower. Even then, the coverage is limited: It’s usually capped at about $1,000 or 10 percent of the home’s insured value. Liability coverage is typically not included.

Do I need boat insurance during the off-season?

If your boat is on dry land during the off-season, you may be tempted to cancel your boat insurance policy for the winter. However, it’s important to keep in mind that risks such as fire or theft may be present throughout the year, regardless of whether your boat is in use. Without boat insurance, you may have to pay out of pocket to repair or replace your watercraft if it’s stolen or damaged during the winter months.

Is my boat protected while it’s being transported?

Boat owners may assume that an auto insurance policy’s protection extends to the trailer and boat. In fact, your auto insurance policy may help cover the trailer — although you may need to specifically add it to your policy — but what about your boat?

Policies can vary, so talking to your Bray and Oakley Insurance agent is the best way to find out for sure what coverage you may have for your boat while it’s on the road.

How are boat insurance costs calculated?

A boat insurance premium may be determined by factors such as the type of boat you own, its size and value, and the waterways you’ll be navigating. The types and levels of coverage you purchase, along with the amount of your deductible, also play a role in the cost of a boat insurance policy.

Coverages in your policy are typically subject to limits — the maximum amount your insurance will pay toward a covered loss. It’s important to review your limits so you understand how much coverage your policy offers. Your Bray & Oakley Insurance agent can help you adjust your limits to fit your needs.

Motorcycle insurance for a brand-new bike

Motorcycle insurance for a brand-new bike

For riders, purchasing a brand-new motorcycle can be a dream come true. But before you get out on the open road, you may want to consider the insurance implications of owning a new motorcycle.

First, you’ll want to understand standard coverage options and how they help protect you and your bike. Next, if you’re the first owner of a motorcycle, it may be helpful to explore additional coverages available to help protect your shiny, brand-new bike.

5 benefits of motorcycle insurance

A standard motorcycle insurance policy helps protect you and your bike in several ways:

  1. It’s the law. Motorcyclists in West Virginia and Kentucky are required to have liability coverage. Liability coverage helps pay for another driver’s medical bills or property damage if you cause an accident with your bike.
  2. It helps pay your medical bills if you’re injured in an accident. Personal injury protection or medical payments coverage help pay for your and your passengers’ medical bills after a wreck.
  3. It helps pay for damage caused by uninsured drivers. If you’re hit by a driver who doesn’t have liability coverage, your uninsured motorist coverage may help pay for your medical or repair bills.
  4. It helps cover damage from a wreck. Collision coverage helps pay to repair or replace your motorcycle if it’s damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object, such as a fence.
  5. It helps replace a stolen bike. Comprehensive coverage helps pay to repair or replace your bike if it’s stolen or damaged by risks like fire, falling objects or vandalism.

Comprehensive coverage and collision coverage are optional on your motorcycle insurance policy if you own your bike outright. If you’re leasing or financing your motorcycle, however, your lender may require comprehensive and collision coverage until the bike is paid off.

Other coverages, such as personal injury protection or uninsured motorist coverage, may be required or optional, depending on your state’s laws. Check with your Bray & Oakley insurance agent to understand which coverages are required on your motorcycle insurance policy.

Extra insurance options for a brand-new motorcycle

Now that you know a little about the standard types of motorcycle insurance coverage, you may want to consider purchasing additional protection for a brand-new bike.

Why do I need extra insurance on a brand-new bike?

Like other vehicles, motorcycles tend to lose value over time, according to National Appraisal Guides. And standard collision coverage and comprehensive coverage factor depreciation into the amount you are reimbursed for a covered claim.

The coverage limits on comprehensive and collision coverages are the bike’s actual cash value. That means the maximum amount your policy would pay if your bike is totaled would be the bike’s depreciated value immediately before the covered claim.

So, if your motorcycle is totaled while it’s still nearly new, the actual cash value of your motorcycle may not be enough to replace your bike with a similar model. Also, if you’re financing a totaled bike, its actual cash value might not be enough to pay off your loan. That’s where additional motorcycle insurance coverage may be helpful for a brand-new bike.

Types of additional coverage for brand-new motorcycles

These additional types of coverage may be available as add-ons to your motorcycle policy. Some insurers may offer these coverages as a package to help protect your investment in your brand-new bike:

  • New motorcycle replacement coverage
    If your motorcycle is totaled, new motorcycle replacement coverage helps pay to replace the totaled vehicle with a new motorcycle, rather than paying you the actual cash value (which may be lower) at the time of the accident.
  • Repair provision coverage
    If your new motorcycle is damaged in a covered claim, this type of coverage helps pay for repairs without taking depreciation into account.
  • Loan/lease gap coverage
    This coverage helps pay off an underwater loan or lease if your new motorcycle is totaled. Gap coverage works in conjunction with comprehensive or collision coverage. It helps pay the difference between your motorcycle’s actual value and what you still owe on your loan or lease.

What is a ‘new’ motorcycle?

What counts as a “new” motorcycle may depend on your insurer. If you buy a motorcycle second-hand, it likely won’t be eligible for the new motorcycle coverages described above.

New motorcycle protection is typically only available if you’re the first owner of a motorcycle that is newer than two model years old. This coverage typically expires once the motorcycle is more than a few model years old.

All coverages are subject to the limits stated in your policy, and some coverages may come with a deductible.

What else do I need to know?

Every situation and motorcycle owner is different.  You should speak with one of our specialists at Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency to make sure you are properly and legally covered.  Our team is well-trained, educated and we represent multiple companies and we are sure to find the right fit for your specific needs.

Personal Property Coverage on Homeowners Policy

Personal Property Coverage on Homeowners Policy

Claude Singleton, manager at Bray & Oakley in Lexington and Richmond recently discussed important tips and insights for your homeowners policy.  

What is personal property coverage?

Simply, personal property would be defined as special valuables you own that would be expensive to replace if lost or stolen. It could be jewelry, fine art, firearms, electronics, or family heirlooms. 

What are the limitations on personal property coverage?

 Most companies have limits on coverage for jewelry, firearms, fine art, and other personal property. To make sure your coverage is sufficient, you could consider having your property listed in a special section of your policy called a scheduled articles coverage

The “scheduled” means you have to list it and submit the value from a professional appraiser and perhaps supply a photograph and other details.  This coverage is often better. You’ll have greater assurance that your items are properly covered when you bypass the limited coverage and set up scheduled coverage.


Claude  00:12

We’re reviewing through your homeowners policy right now and looking at coverages. Let’s talk about personal property. Let’s just say that you have got some special personal property that you’re really concerned about the valuation. It could be jewelry, or it could be fine arts or it could be firearms. You’ve got you’ve got guns that you’re concerned about, how’s this handled on my insurance policy? I’ll give you the short answer, it might be quite limited. And give us a call, we’ll be glad to help you walk through this and consider limits that you may have. Most companies have limits on jewelry, firearms and defend Fine Arts with they will not pay more than a set amount the insurance company will not pay more than a set amount, and maybe not very much for one individual item. So chances are if you got something nice, you might consider having that listed specially on your policy is called a scheduled articles coverage. And the scheduled means we have to list it and perhaps of evaluation from the professional, perhaps a photograph or more. And we’ll put that all in the file. And that specific item then is is listed on your policy. And as a special coverage for you. The coverages for that often are better coverages. And the deductible for that is also a different deductible, potentially, than what is on your normal policy. So all these things we can discuss with you but give us a call. We’re Bray and Oakley. We’re glad to help

How does an independent insurance agency work?

 Claude shares how Bray & Oakley, as an Independent agency works. 

“I’d like to speak now just in general about the work we do at Bray & Oakley. Bray and Oakley Insurance Agency is an independent agency, which means we represent several companies. We work with several different insurance companies that have different mindsets on what they want for insurance and what they’ll charge for insurance.

We work hard to fit our client with the right company. But we understand that some companies are just not a good fit. And so from the start, we won’t go that direction. Or perhaps as we’re going through, and we’re pricing and comparing coverages, we’re seeing that it’s just not working.  We have options, and we are not locked into one path or one solution. We have so many companies that are good companies, and we’ve got a very good reputation with them, so it gives us the ability to get great coverage at the best price for the right company for every client.”

Independent Insurance Agency Vs. Direct Writer

There are other types of insurance agents who are not independent agents. They have usually only one company to choose. And if for whatever reason the pricing is not the best, they will not have an alternative to share with you. I would advise you to talk with us, to give us the opportunity to serve you to allow us to price with different companies, and also to prepare the coverage that fits your unique situation.. We’re not just going for best price. We want a fair price. We want you to pay the lowest price possible, but also want you to be in the proper coverage. So we will find the company that matches coverages and premiums to provide the best fit for you. Give us a call. We’re glad to help!


Claude  00:13

We’ve been looking through homeowners policy pages and your dec pages and things. And I’d like to speak now just in general about the work we do at Bray and Oakley. Bray and Oakley is an independent agency, which means we represent several companies. We work with several different insurance companies that have different mindsets on what they want for insurance and what they’ll charge for insurance. And we work hard to fit whoever it is we’re visiting with our client to fit them and the company properly! But we understand that some companies are just not a good fit. And so from the start, we won’t go that direction. Or perhaps as we’re going through, and we’re pricing and comparing coverages and things, we’re seeing that it’s just not working. Well, the wonderful thing is we’ve got so many companies that are good companies, and that they are willing to work with us, which is great. We’ve got a very, very good reputation with them, that we can find the pricing and the coverages to help our client that best. Now, there are other types of insurance agents who are not independent agents, they have a company. And if for whatever reason that pricing is not the best pricing, they will not have an alternative to share with you. And I would consider advising you to talk with us, to give us the opportunity to serve you to allow us to price with different companies, and also to prepare the coverages with different companies. Because we’re not just going for price. We want a very fair price. We want you to pay at the lowest price possible, but wanted to be on the proper coverage. So we will find the company to match coverages and premium to do the best for you. That is one wonderful thing and that we do. So give us a call. We’re glad to help

FAQs: How Can I Save Money?

Questions about Homeowners Policy Answered

In an interview with Claude Singleton, manager of Bray & Oakley in Lexington and Richmond, Kentucky, many questions about Homeowners policy were covered. One of the most frequently asked questions is undoubtedly about saving money. Claude has a work background in the church insurance industry for many years. He has been an agent, a manager, and a trainer as well. In the first section of the interview, Claude goes through sections of the policy explaining them.

What is Personal Liability?

Listed as Section E, personal liability is on the declarations page of your policy paperwork. What is that? Simply, these are the things that can happen to your home. In general, this is a liability circumstance that you’re not expecting, did not intend to happen, but you are responsible for the damages or injuries.

Limited personal protection on homeowners policy

But what if the judgment goes against you? Are you prepared to pay for that judgment out of your pocket? Well, most of the time, we would say no, not prepared to handle a large amount of financial responsibility. And that’s really where your homeowner’s policy can help you. Look at your policy and see what that limit is. Is that a good limit for you to protect yourself? Because whatever the limit is on your policy, that’s the maximum amount that the insurance company is going to pay.  If there is anything beyond that limit, it is likely that you will have to pay out out of your pocket, either as a debt, or to liquidate something, or draw out of your savings or your retirement.


Claude  00:12

We’re talking about the homeowners policy. And if you get your deck pages handy here, we’re not going to be talking about personal liability. And you may have it listed as Section E, personal liability on your declarations page. What is that? Things can happen on your home? A slips trips and falls is a common phrasing for that people visiting with you in and or cutting across your property and, fouling can create a liability problem for you. I’m not an attorney, don’t pretend to be one. I’m just an insurance agent. I’m only speaking in terms of insurance things. And that is a good disclaimer out there. But in general, in insurance, we’re speaking up, sometimes there will be a liability circumstance that you’re surprised that are you not at all expecting and of course, did not intend, but someone fell, and now they’re holding you responsible for that. And if the judgment goes against you, are you prepared to pay for that judgment out of your pocket? Well, most of the time, we would say no, not prepared to handle a large amount of money. And that’s really where your homeowner’s policy can help you. And if it is this type of personal liability, and if it’s the kind of thing that that the company is, is providing protection for? Well, then look at your policy and see what that limit is, is that a good limit for you to protect yourself? Consider your your assets that you have, are you protecting yourself? Are you protecting your assets, because whatever the limit is on your policy, and that’s the maximum amount that the that the insurance company is going to pay? Is it likely that you will have to pay out more than that out of your pocket, either as a dead or right to liquidate something or draw out of your savings, or your retirement to be an inconvenience. So consider the amount of liability that can be very important. I’m gonna throw another term in here and we’re going to cover this on another video another time I called umbrella liability. An umbrella liability as a concept of it goes above like an umbrella goes above your other coverage. In fact, can also be added to your homeowner’s policy, who would also go over your auto policy and we’ll speak about that another time as well. But whatever limit you have here, if that’s all the liability protection you have, the net can be a problem if there’s a major injury that you’re responsible for. Give us a call. We can discuss this with you more thoroughly. These videos are general in nature, but we can get very specific with you if you’d like to let us know we’re glad to help

How can we save money on Homeowners Policy?

As Claude talks about how you might be able to save money on your premium, he discusses two ways this can be done: raising the deductible and bundling or having your auto and home together in the same insurance company.

Raising the deductible

The deductible is the amount of money that you pay out for a covered claim before the insurance company will pay the claim. We could have a deductible that might be increased. Chances are, you’ve got $1,000 deductible on your policy, let’s just say that you’re able to have a $2,000 deductible or even higher, maybe $5000. Your premium will be lower when your deductible is higher.

Getting Homeowners and Auto Insurance policies with same company

Money can also be saved on your policy if you decide to get your homeowners and auto insurance policies with one company. Claude says, “You want to get homeowners insurance and your auto insurance with the same company. Many times that can be an advantage but not every time! We like doing that wherever possible. It gives a lower premium for both policies with those discounts. If there’s a claim that involves both the auto and home, let’s just say that one of you backed into your garage door, messed it up terribly, we’ve got one deductible, in many cases with companies who have their home and their auto together. So that’s just something else to look at. And we’ll be glad to discuss that with you as well!”

Things that may provide a discount on Homeowners Policy

Claude goes on to say “So we’ve talked about two things. One is raising the deductible and the other thing is having your auto and home insurance together in the same company. But there’s something more. Some other savings can occur from having a quality security system, locks and doors and windows that are highly secure, and having fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. These are basic things that can make a big difference.. Some companies offer discounts for seniors and military. Also life insurance. If you have your life insurance with that same company, often they will provide an additional discount for you for another policy like an umbrella liability policy.

Allow Bray and Oakley to take a look at your policy. Give us a call. We have several companies to work with and we shop the best solution for you. We’ll try to save you some money and have better coverage too!


Hello, this is Claude again, and we’re talking about your homeowners policy. Right now I’d like to talk about how you might save money on your premium, you’d have a deductible that might be able to be increased. The deductible is the amount of money that you pay out for a claim for a covered claim, that would be your part of it, really, before the company wouldn’t be paying anything. Chances are, you’ve got $1,000 deductible on your policy, let’s just say that you’re able to have a $2,000 deductible or even higher 5000. Your premium will be lower, we can analyze and see would that be? Would that be low enough for you? Would that be worthwhile to take conserve 1000? We’ll make it a $2,000 deductible or a $5,000 deductible? So let us know we’ll be glad to analyze that for you. Before you make that change, though. Also, we’ll need to check with your mortgage company if you have a loan in your home and the mortgage company will be interested in that knowing and would they would they be accepting a $2,000? Back on set 1000? Or would they accept a $5,000? Deductible so 1000 bucks? That’s an important thing to be aware of. As we’re talking about deductibles, you might look and see on your homeowners policy? Does it say anything about a percentage deductible, because often on policies we will see, perhaps wind and hail 1% deductible. Or it might say, wind and hail 2% deductible. What does that mean? Well, that means for the deductibles for that type of claim a wind and hail type of claim would be 1%, or 2%. Not the $1,000 deductible that you perhaps have in your policy 1% of one or 2% of what? Well, it’s 1% of your dwelling amount. So you’ve got 1% of your $200,000 house, let’s just say 1%, that’s $2,000. So you thought you had a deductible of 1000. But in this case, because it’s a wind and hail claim, you got a $2,000 deductible. And that’s a surprise for you. Or if it’s a 2% deductible, you got a $4,000 deductible on that $200,000 house. And that may be a surprise to you. We review that when we’re looking at declarations pages for people to make sure they understand we actually prepare for a claim assuming that that you will have a claim, I think it’s a very good business plan to do, we’re gonna personal plan for you to do as well to consider what will happen if and when I have that to occur. Let’s talk about other ways of saving, saving money on your homeowners policy. You’ve heard this term a lot over the last several years bundling. And you know that is that’s getting your homeowners insurance and your autos and your auto insurance with the same company. Many times that can be an advantage not every time, but many times it can be an advantage. And we liked doing that wherever possible. It gives a lower premium for both policies with those discounts. Something else which often is a benefit, a side benefit, I hope this doesn’t happen to you, but it has with a bundled policy with an auto policy and a home policy with the same company. If there’s a claim that involves both the auto and home, let’s just say that one of you backed into your garage door, messed it up terribly. We’ve got one deductible, in many cases with with companies who have their home and their auto together. So that’s just something else to look at. And we’ll be glad to discuss that with you as well. So we’ve talked about two things. One is raising the deductible. And the other thing is having your auto and home together in the same in the same company which been like you might look at security system that uses not a large amount of discount. But there’s something there make sure your company is considering the security system that you have. Or it may just be the deadbolt locks, and the fire extinguisher and the smoke detector. It just basic things like that that you should have in your home. That may provide a discount. Make sure that your current company is aware that you have those items. That’s that’s a big deal. Some companies talk about discounts for seniors and military. Also life insurance. If you have your life insurance with that same company, often they will provide an additional discount for you for another policy like an umbrella liability policy. All of those things just have that much more potential for giving discounts for you depending on which company it is. Allow us to take a look at your policy. Give Call.

Events not covered by your homeowners policy

Events that may not be covered by Homeowners Policy

Did you know there are some events that are not covered by many insurance policies? It could be a problem if these events occur when not covered by your policy. Claude Singleton, manager at Bray & Oakley’s Lexington, Kentucky location, addresses this problem clearly. In the information below, you’ll get answers to the most frequently asked questions on what is NOT covered in some homeowners policies.

What are the events that may not be covered by homeowners policy?

As we review some of the items and areas that may not be covered, keep in mind that if certain events occur, it could be a serious event for you and your financial investment. Specifically we are covering sinkholes, flooding, and earthquakes. These events are typically not covered by homeowners policy. They’re an exclusion on most homeowners policies. And they are not covered, unless there are special actions taken by you and by the agent to make sure they are added to your existing policy.

Flood Insurance

Flooding would be, in general, groundwater that’s coming across your property from perhaps a major storm. It could have occured from a storm or any event that causes flooding to your property. IS THAT COVERED? No, it’s not covered, unless you’ve got specific flood coverage on your policy. Flood insurance is provided by FEMA. As with any insurance, this has to be added in advance of something happening. We work with property owners who are in known flood areas everyday at Bray & Oakley.  If you need assistance, we are glad to walk you through it and answer your questions.

Earthquake Insurance

Earthquakes are probably something that you’re not considering, unless you live in California or a more common area for earthquake activity.  Many people think there’s no need to have that type of coverage. Well, that’s actually not the case. There are faults in Kentucky, and there are faults in West Virginia that can cause serious damage to your home.  We talk about earthquake insurance in every conversation we have about homeowners insurance.

In Central Kentucky, there are earthquakes that happen. In Western Kentucky many years ago, the New Madrid earthquake occurred that shook up things terribly. And it was a major earthquake, larger than the San Francisco earthquake.

Yes, it can still happen. Claude says, “If I don’t mention this type of insurance to you, shame on me.  This can still happen in places where you wouldn’t consider having it, and I feel responsible to make sure you at least know about it and the options.”


Claude  00:13

We’re reviewing through your homeowners policy. And I’m actually looking at my own personal declarations page right here, the home insurance, there are some things that are not covered by many insurance policies. And if these things occur, it can be a serious event for you, which could be tragic from a financial standpoint. And that would be things like a flood, or an earthquake, or a sinkhole. And those are coverages that are typically not covered by homeowners policy, they’re an exclusion on the homeowners policy. And they are not covered, unless they’re special action taking Kate taken by you and by the agent to arrange that on your policy. Now, I’m speaking in general statements, of course, that’s what I have to do on this type of video. And there may be specific things related to you and your particular circumstance that we should visit further about. But in general, these statements are quite accurate. That earthquake and flood, and sinkhole are not covered by your policy unless they’re specifically covered, unless they’re specifically shown in your declarations page. So if you’re looking through, then you go, I’ve got a concern, I don’t see those coverages, then they would be worthwhile to talk about this. Let’s talk about those risks. Flood would be in general, groundwater that has occurred that’s coming across your property, from perhaps a major storm that’s happened above you, or to the north of B or whatever, whatever direction would be. But it’s suddenly coming your way or could be bursted. Damn, it could be something like that. I was not from a storm, but something else happened. Is that covered? No, it’s not covered, unless you’ve got specific flood coverage on your policy. And that has to be done. Flood insurance is is provided by FEMA. It’s a federal part of the federal government. And this has to be arranged in advance of something happening. But if you are concerned about flood insurance, let us know we’ll be glad to look into that and make sure what can be done in your area. So that earthquake, earthquake is probably something that you’re considering, unless you live in California, that there’s no need to have that type of coverage. Well, that’s actually not the case. There are faults in Kentucky, and there’s false in West Virginia that that can happen that can cause serious damage to your home. And so we can talk with you about earthquake insurance, if you’d like. It’s a very good thing to have. I visit with her about earthquake insurance, every every conversation I have about homeowners insurance. And in our area, I live in central Kentucky. In our area, there are quakes that happen in Western Kentucky many years ago, there was something called the new Mandroid of pronounced mattered, not Madrid, New Madrid fault that occurred that shook up things terribly. And it was a major earthquake, larger than the San Francisco earthquake, which which we’ve heard of in history has been just a terrible thing, terrible event. Well, thankfully, in Kentucky, there were less people in the area. And it happened in kind of a rural zone that rerouted the Mississippi River, it had all sorts of things, there’s something called Real foot lake out there. All that’s because of an earthquake, it’s a real thing that really didn’t happen. Well, the the that fault is still there, and can still happen. Yes, it can still happen. If I don’t mention that to you. Shame on me. And I recommend that you visit with us. We’ll be glad to help you about that and just show you pricing. Is that something you want to consider? After I’ve talked with people about earthquake insurance? About half of them take the earthquake insurance and half of them say no, don’t want it and that’s okay. Whatever person chooses, that’s okay, as long as I’ve shared that with them, and that they can make their choice. And I’ll say that’s 50% Take it 50% Don’t take it. I’ll say that half my customers are pretty smart. I just can’t tell you which half Okay, that’s insurance humor there.

Okay, next thing, we’re gonna talk about a sinkhole. If you live in an area that’s got a lot of limestone. And here in central ticket, there’s a lot of limestone. There can be sudden sinkholes that you’ve not seen before, to where the water is leached away the foundation over a period of time. And that can be a serious problem when suddenly your house has been encroached upon by this big ol hole in your backyard that appeared out of nowhere. And is there coverage for that. In general No, there’s no coverage for that unless you pre arranged sinkhole coverage and sinkhole is available and center protected And then other places as well. And we could talk with you about that. And that really depends on your specific, your personal specific concerns. Another thing that we should mention, perhaps in passing, there’s something called Mind subsidence. That is in some counties in southern some in West Virginia and Kentucky. There’s a real need, you’re required to have mine subsidence coverage. That’s when there’s been underground mining. Many types of many, many feet below the surface that you’re not even aware of. But certain counties are required to have that coverage. And certain counties there’s, there’s no need that you cannot get that coverage. But all those things you need to look at you need to be aware of and let us know we’ll be glad to help you review your policy. Right Oakley insurance has several insurance companies to choose from and we work hard to do things right for you. So give us a call

Sinkhole Insurance

If you live in an area that has a lot of limestone, such as central Kentucky, you can be affected by sudden sinkholes. Water can wash away the foundation over a period of time and that can be a serious problem.  Suddenly, your house can be in danger by a nearby sinkhole on your property.

Is there coverage for that? By default, no. There’s no coverage for that unless you add sinkhole coverage.  This is something you should at least discuss with your agent at Bray & Oakley.

What is Mine Subsidence Coverage?

Mine subsidence is when there’s been underground mining nearby, many feet below the surface that you’re not even aware has happened. These areas are required to have this coverage. Yet in other areas there’s no need to get the coverage. Talk to your agent to see where your property falls in the requirements.

Claude advises, “Let us review your policy. We’ll be glad to help you determine if you have the best coverage for your situation. Bray & Oakley insurance has several insurance companies to choose from, and we work hard to do things right for you. So give us a call.”

Equipment Breakdown Coverage

Equipment Breakdown in home can be very expensive to replace or repair.  HVAC units, hot water tanks, dishwashers, stoves, and refrigerators are some examples of equipment that could possibly break down. Some of these items have a manufacturer’s warranty; others could possibly be covered under a special coverage.

Underground service line Coverage

There’s something called underground service line coverage. You’ve probably received mailings from your utility company a couple of times a year to tell you just add this to your billing each month and we will protect you from underground service line damage to your property between your house and the main service provider. There’s a possibility that your homeowners policy could have that coverage on it as well.



We’re talking about your homeowners policy. And I’ve got my doc page right here. Hopefully you’ve got yours available that you can check on some things. I’d like to visit about some other coverages that may be on your policy, or they may not be on your policy that you might check with your agent about. And I’ll just tell you, we’re glad to review your policies. And we’re glad to talk talk through potential coverages for you. These are some things that if if your claim was to occur, you would be very glad that you had this this coverage, these are additional things. And sometimes you’ll find this type of coverage under a packages, packages of coverages or options that you have. I’m speaking of Equipment Breakdown, that’d be where there would be a mysterious type of loss to your equipment, like HVAC equipment, any type of electronic system in your home, and it suddenly stopped working under normal circumstances, you would have to be showing, it would have to have shown an event that occurred that to be an insurance claim, if it just stopped working. In many cases, if it just stops working, because it’s old, or deteriorate or whatever, then sorry, that’s not covered up. There’s a manufacturer’s warranty. But it’s possible if you’ve got Equipment Breakdown coverage on your homeowners policy, it’s possible for that to be considered. Now I’m not right now making a blank statement, or every time it will be whatever. I’m not saying that, because I have to use general statements in this type of video. But your specific thing might be different, but Look carefully. There’s an Equipment Breakdown coverage on your policy. If so, you might also find that your HVAC unit that stopped working suddenly, May will be covered by that. But there’s there’s things that you need to do steps that you need to take the first thing if you do have that concern, call your current agent and find out about that, if you’d had that occur. If you’ve not had that to occur, and you just want to visit about it. Let us know we can talk through things with you. And see if you that’d be something you’d be interested in having. Also, there’s something called underground service line coverage, you will probably receive mailings from your utility companies a couple of times a year to tell you just add this to your billing each month. And we will protect you for underground service line damage to your to your property between your house and and the main drain or the main whatever system out in the road. There’s a possibility that your homeowners policy could have that coverage on it as well. Underground service line coverage covers different types of utilities or water, sewage, electricity, cable, things like that. It’s between your house and the street. And the specifics, we can give you more specifics on if you’d like. But in general look for that, to be on your policy most often is is not there. But let us know we’ll be going to be glad to show you this. Identity theft is another one that is a form of loss. It’s something that might be electronic in nature as how they got to your identity. But what has occurred has been a real loss to you financially. And it’s possible that your homeowner’s policy might have that type of coverage on there as well. And look for look for your deck page, or give us a call. We’ll talk through it with you. There’s also something called Cyber coverage, which is a type of bet in depth as well. It’s just another step up that some of the companies are recognizing and providing additional funds to help you recover from your loss of an asset which is your identity and perhaps some expenses involved with that. Some other coverage would be water, backup sewer, sewer and drain backup. And this would be not groundwater, groundwater that affects your home. That’s a type of flood and that’s a different item that we need to discuss at another time. But this will be one inside your home. The drain from the sewer or inset from the commode just came up and and overflowed with with stuff from the city that is missing. That may be on your policy and may not be on your policy look for it. If it’s not on your policy, chances are being excluded item they will not be covered item but sewer and drain backup can be very messy. And I’ll just give you a tip that I talked with my insurance my clients about that is this. How nice is your lowest floor? If you’ve got a very nice, finished basement, or your first level is your last floor you’re your main reinforce your lowest floor, and how’s your furnishings in there? If that’s got, you know, the black water element, what how much of a problem is for you? That’s a significant problem. So consider that coverage. And again, when you’re looking at these these in your, in your documents, look for sewer and drain backup. If you have questions about this, we’re glad to get more specific with you. We’re glad to do so.

Claude  05:26

And we at Bray & Oakley, have several companies to work with. We’re independent agents. And that helps a lot and we’re here to help you. So give us a call.



While every teen is eager to start driving as soon as they reach the legal age, they fail to understand how important and challenging it is to get car insurance before hitting the road. 

Whether the driver is using their own car or the parents’, obviously insurance is essential. However, for most teens, difficulty is knowing what and how to get insurance as a “youthful” or teen driver. 

This information should help you. In this article, we have provided some of the best car insurance tips for teens, especially if you reside in West Virginia or Kentucky. Each state has its own policies for teen drivers; so, the insurance or policies applicable in West Virginia might not be the same in Kentucky. 

Let’s take a look.


Determine Your Future Driving Situation 

Is the teen driver planning to drive the family vehicle? Or, do they intend to buy a vehicle specifically for the teen driver? There is a difference. 

In the first scenario, teen drivers might be added to the parents’ policy as an occasional driver. However, if they plan on driving their own vehicle, they need to be added to family auto insurance policy, which can be costly

Score High In Driver’s Education 

Scoring high in driver’s education can help with the cost of insurance . Having a good score gives more confidence for the insurance provider that the student is a good driver, and they might offer you a good discount. 

One of the biggest concerns of the insurance provider is that young drivers are considered reckless and inexperienced.  Statistics prove that a teen or youthful driver is more likely to be in an accident than an older more experienced driver. However,  with a good score in driving education, it can help increase the experience of the  young driver and they are considered a safer driver. 

Consider Getting a Used Car

When we say consider a used car, it doesn’t have to be an ugly or junk yard restored vehicle. We recommend second-hand cars in good condition with good safety features and a solid safety record. The vehicle you will be driving makes an impact on your car insurance policy, and brand-new cars are far more expensive to insure than used cars. 

The ideal car to get is a three to four-year-old model with modern safety features such as airbags and antilock brakes. Learning to drive in a used car is the most economical way of starting out your life of driving. And, youthful drivers can always get a new car once they reach the age where getting a car insurance policy is not as expensive. 


  • While car insurance is highly important, necessary and needed considering the probability of getting into an accident, it can, however, be expensive. 

Due to these high car insurance prices, many teenagers do not purchase full coverage and end up risking their cars until they can actually afford coverage beyond liability car insurance for their vehicle. 

But that can be avoided, and you can now afford full coverage car insurance at a young age. 

Staying on the parents’ policy is the best and easiest method for young drivers to be able to afford car insurance. Typically, car insurance companies offer families a variety of discounts to help them save money on insurance coverage, including:

  • Discounts for safe driving
  • Student discounts are available (must have B average grades or higher)
  • Discounts for college students and students who are away from home
  • Discounts on defensive driving courses

Adding a young driver to a family insurance policy can still result in premium increases, although the amount may vary depending on your insurance company, car, and location. 

Still, it would be cheaper than what a teen driver would have to pay for a separate car insurance policy. You can get your own car but under your parents’ name, and once you are independent enough to afford your own car insurance, you can shift the car under your personal name. 


After extensive research of the car insurance policies available in the region, we have concluded that shopping multiple carriers is the best way to cover a teen driver. 

Shopping Multiple Carriers For Best Price 

At Bray & Oakley, we shop multiple carriers to find the best coverage at the best price for your teen driver.

Competitive rates and affordable premiums can be found, but often it takes a professional insurance partner to uncover the best and most affordable plans.

Car insurance tips for teen drivers


Before you get car insurance as teen driver, or if  your child is soon to become a teen driver, the best advice we have is don’t go it alone. Get help from someone who knows what questions to ask, what policies to consider and what options are out there. Reach out to us at Bray and Oakley and we can help you every step of the way. 

You will be confident that you are getting all of the information you need from a reliable source. If you are the parent of a teen driver in West Virginia or Kentucky and looking for a car insurance agency for advice, contact us today at Bray & Oakley Insurance Agency.



With the world taking many unexpected turns with each passing moment, getting life insurance is not an option anymore. It is a compulsion. You must have suitable life insurance for yourself for the bright future of you and your family.

However, when you start looking to get yourself a life insurance policy, you might face a tough decision because there are many different life insurance policies. Moreover, to decide which type of life insurance is most suited for you, you must also consider your region.

If you are a resident of West Virginia looking for a life insurance policy, here are all the types that you must consider.


Term Life Insurance 

Term Life Insurance is one of the most efficient and feasible life insurance policies. As the name suggests, this policy lasts for a specific period of 5, 10, 15, 25, or 30 years, depending on the plan you choose.

After the term is completed, you can either renew the policy or simply get the coverage and opt for another policy looking at your situation at that time.

This policy is mainly suited for people who wish their life insurance to cover a specific debt or situation. For example, you can get this policy to cover a few years for your family in case you pass away so that they would have the finances to fulfill their expenditures till they find another source of income, or you could use the policy to cover your home loan for you.

Buying this policy is one of the cheapest ways to get life insurance; however, you might face difficulty when renewing as the renewal rates increase each year.

Whole Life Insurance 

Consider the whole life insurance policy as the complete opposite of the term life insurance. Here, you are getting insurance literally for your entire life till you pass away. The policy lasts till your death and requires you to pay premiums until then, and works as a cash asset for your future.

It’s the life insurance equivalent of ‘set it and forget it’. All in all, your premiums remain the same, you receive a guaranteed rate of return on the cash value of the policy, and the death benefit amount remains the same.

Whole life insurance is for customers who want lifelong coverage and are ready to pay a premium for the policy’s guarantees. Through this policy, you can be stress-free about how your family will do after you pass away because it will have them covered for the better good.

Variable Life Insurance

Variable life insurance policies have cash values linked to investment accounts, such as bonds and mutual funds. Premiums for variable life insurance are typically fixed, and the death benefit is guaranteed regardless of market conditions.

If your investment options perform well, you might make a lot of money. You can even borrow against the cash value or take partial withdrawals from it.

Variable life insurance provides long-term protection with a monetary value. The policyholder chooses which sub-accounts to invest in, and the amount of growth in the cash value account is determined by those decisions. Your sub-accounts performance can also cause you to lose money.

The policy requires a bit of risk-taking, and if it passes, it’s all sunshine, but everything could turn blue if you lose it. So, if you are willing to take that risk, this is the right policy for you. It’s either you make it, or you lose it. 

Survivorship Life Insurance 

The survivorship life insurance policy is for partners, such as husband and wife. The policy covers insurance for both the partners, and the beneficiaries can receive the pay-out after the passing of both the partners.

This policy is a cheaper way to get insurance for you and your spouse without paying premiums for two separate policies.

However, the key here is that this policy is only suitable if you think the beneficiary would not need the money until after the death of both insured people. If one of the partners dies, the other will not receive any pay-out since they will not be among the beneficiaries, but they themselves are part of the policy.

This policy is often purchased by couples who wish to send money to charity after their passing or to their next of kin. 

Credit Life Insurance 

This life insurance is a short time insurance plan that is bought to lay off a specific debt. The difference between the credit insurance plan is that the pay-outs are instead paid to the person or firm from which you have taken a loan instead of your family.

A Credit Life Insurance policy is for you if you have taken a large loan and you know your family might not be able to pay that off after you have passed away. You obviously would not want them to suffer. Hence, the credit insurance will cover up for you.

However, you must know that this policy will not cover any penny to provide for your family after your passing. 

Universal Life Insurance 

A Universal Life Insurance policy is similar to the whole life policy but is cheaper and offers lesser guarantees compared to that. Within the domain of Universal life insurance, there are different varieties for you with various requirements and payoffs.

Universal life insurance is a wonderful option for people who want to be covered for the rest of their lives. Some Universal life insurance policies are appropriate for investors who desire to link their cash value gains to market performance.

  • Indexed Universal Life Insurance 

The cash value component of indexed universal life insurance is linked to a stock market index. A formula is used to calculate your gains, which is explained in the policy.

You can get cash value that increases over time. If the stock market does well, you could see significant gains. Your payments and death benefit amount are variable within certain limits. To simply understand, you should know that your cash value gains depend on the specific cap your policy terms have. For example, if the index goes up 30%, you will be getting a 15% return of it. 

  • Variable Universal Life Insurance 

A Variable Universal Life Insurance policy falls under the category of permanent life insurance. It is a combination of life insurance’s principal benefit – the financial pay-out to your loved ones in the event of your death with investment subaccounts.

The cash value of your policy can be invested in these investment subaccounts. Your cash value may increase if the market performs well. In the event that the market underperforms, your policy may lose weightage. People who have experience with other types of investments will be familiar with Variable universal life insurance in a higher-risk environment.

Burial/Funeral Insurance 

A burial/funeral life insurance policy is designed to cover the costs of burial services and more after someone passes away. Without having to wait for an insurance company medical exam, the coverage can be purchased online or over the phone. In truth, there is no medical check required for burial insurance.

Applicants are supposed to tell their age, smoking history, whether or not they have any significant illnesses, and some other demographic-related information. Acceptance is guaranteed for some policies. Others need a two-year premium payment term before receiving benefits and only cover people up to the age of 100.

It is a cash policy that accumulates cash value over time. Burial insurance can be obtained for small sums, such as $5,000 or $10,000, but other types of insurance, such as term or whole life, may have much higher minimum coverage requirements.

As a result, burial insurance premiums may appear to be less expensive than policies with higher benefits. The premiums for this sort of insurance do not fluctuate, and the coverage is permanent. Funeral services, burial plots and headstones, caskets, funeral procession, and other miscellaneous charges are all covered by this insurance.


While these are the most common types of life insurance policies best suited for people of West Virginia, there are still a few questions you need to answer for yourself before you get into purchasing one.

Which is the most popular type of Life Insurance? 

Among all the types of life insurance policies we have mentioned, whole life insurance is the most popular one as it is a permanent life insurance policy and works with you till your death. You can rely on this policy and avoid getting worried about how your family will survive after your passing away. 

Which type of Life Insurance is also an investment? 

Permanent life insurance policies with an investing component allow you to increase your money while avoiding paying taxes. This implies that any interest, dividends, or capital gains earned on the cash-value component of your life insurance policy are tax-free until the proceeds are withdrawn.

Moreover, the permanent life insurance policy works as an investment for your family. The premiums that you pay today are considered as your investment which is later utilized by your family after you pass away. This way, your family will have the ground money to start until they can find a new source of income. 

What are the living benefits of a Life Insurance Policy? 

While the life insurance policies generate pay-outs after your death and are for the benefit of your family, there are a few living benefits for the policyholder that you must know about;

Term Life Insurance Living Benefits 

  • If you have a terminal disease, the living benefit of term life insurance pays out a portion of your term life insurance policy. This provides you with much-needed funds to cover medical expenditures, debt, and other expenses.
  • A critical illness rider is a variation on this option that allows you to collect your death benefit if you’re diagnosed with a specific illness or disease.
  • If you don’t die within the term period, all of your premiums will be refunded to you.
  • In the case that you are disabled for six months or more, you can use this living benefit to avoid paying your premiums. While not a true monetary advantage, it is nevertheless an excellent choice to have because the disability might not allow you to work, and you might not have money to pay off the premiums.

Permanent Life Insurance Living Benefits 

  • The permanent life insurance policies give you an option of withdrawal. A withdrawal allows you to access a portion of your permanent life insurance policy’s cash value. If the amount you withdraw is less than or equal to your premium payments, you won’t have to pay any taxes on it.
  • If you take out a loan against your permanent life insurance policy, you’ll be paid interest, but it’ll generally be less than the interest charged by other lenders. You won’t be subjected to a credit check or be bound by a long list of conditions.
  • When you cancel your permanent life insurance policy, you can get the cash value part as a one-time lump sum amount. The sum will be deducted from any outstanding loans and unpaid premiums by the insurer.


Choosing which life insurance policy to get for yourself could be a hard decision, but it is an important one because it affects your entire life. While choosing a policy, you will be choosing the future of your family after your passing hence, you need to consider each point and make a wise decision.

The best way to select one is to get a piece of advice from a life insurance expert that can guide you based on your needs and requirements. Here at Bray & Oakley Life Insurance Agency, we offer both consultancy and quotations for the best policy based on your needs. Contact us today to help you figure out the policy that you need!